2010년 10월 9일 토요일

#5. Sudden sound

When I watch some horror movies, I'm frightend extremely. Because of the sound! My ears are sensitive to noise. Of course, the horrorable scenes make me frightend too. But the main reason why I'm frightened when I watch horror movie is the sudden sound when some ghost or monster come up. And also, the sound which resound around me makes me sometimes surprised. For example the noise when the car stops abruptly, the sound of something which is broken or fallen. So, I often turn my head to the direction where the sound comes from, or sometimes shink up. I hate the sound that makes me frightend and annoyed.

댓글 1개:

  1. I like sudden sound because I can feel boosting my heart as I hear the sound. That's why I watch horror movies. I think we have differnt tastes.
